Fava beans are a plant from the legume family of dicotyledons.
Its native habitat is North Africa and Southwest Asia; Algeria, in particular, is believed to be its original home. Fava beans have been cultivated since ancient times in the eras of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
It is one of the most important legumes known to the world. Fava beans are a major crop in Egypt, and are grown in all its regions, especially in the south (Upper Egypt) Benefits 1. A great source of proteins and energy 2. Rich in fiber 3. Cancer prevention 4. Improve brain function 5. A great source of folic acid 6. Boost metabolism 7. A great source of iron and magnesium 8. Other benefits of beans A9. Promote digestive health due to its high fiber content. Rich in many vitamins and minerals. Promote immune health. Promote muscle health
Harvest dates from the second half of March in Middle and Upper Egypt, and the first week of April in Lower Egypt until packaging Available from 1 kg bag to 1 ton jumbo according to customer request
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